Sunday, January 27, 2019

Taking care of new born kittens
1) Avoid touching kittens for first 2 weeks since cat will lose interest in them
2) Children below 8 should be supervised
3) Kittens are born deaf & blind, will resolve at 10 days
4) Keep the kittens warm
1) Provide nutrient rich food
2) Let cat nurse for 7-9 weeks
3) Change bedding frequently
4) De-worm the kittens & the mother
1) Don't disturb for 48 hours
2) Keep food & water within stretching distance
3) Keep the litter close but not too close
4) Keep kittens warm
5) Socialize after 4 weeks
6) check if all kittens are nursed
1) Remove strings, ribbons & small toys to avoid choking
2) Check kitten for fleas
3) vaccinate after 9 weeks

1) Pick a new spot that is calm & safe
2) Relocation should be done carefully

Useful cat birthing guide -