Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Things I wish I knew when I was younger...

Things I wish I knew when I was younger...
  • Most of it doesn't matter. So much of what I got excited about, anxious about, or wasted my time and energy on, turned out not to matter. There are only a few things that truly count for a happy life. I wish I had known to concentrate on those and ignore the rest.
  • The greatest source of misery and hatred in this world is clinging to past hurts. Look at all the terrorists and militant groups that hark back to some event long gone, or base their justification for killing on claims of some supposed historical right to a bit of land, or redress for a wrong done hundreds of years ago.
  • Waiting to do something until you can be sure of doing it exactly right means waiting for ever. One of the greatest advantages anyone can have is the willingness to make a fool of themselves publicly and often. There's no better way to learn and develop. Heck, it's fun too.
  • Following the latest fashion, in work or in life, is spiritual and intellectual suicide. You can be a cheap imitation of the ideal of the moment; or you can be a unique individual. The choice is yours. Religion isn't the opiate of the masses, fashion is.
  • If people complain that you're too fond of going your own way and aren't fitting in, you must be on the right track. Who wants to live life as a herd animal? The guys in power don't want you to fit in for your own sake; they want you to stop causing them problems and follow their orders. You can't have the freedom to be yourself and meekly fit in at the same time.
  • If you make your work your life, you're making your life into hard work. Like most people, I confused myself by looking at people like artists and musicians whose life's "work" fills their time. That isn't work. It's who they are. Unless you have some overwhelming passion that also happens to allow you to earn a living doing it, always remember that work should be a means to an end: living an enjoyable life. Spend as little time on the means as possible consistent with achieving the end. Only idiots live to work.
  • The quickest and simplest way to wreck any relationship is to listen to gossip. The worst way to spend your time is spreading more. People who spread gossip are the plague-carriers of our day. Cockroaches are clean, kindly creatures in comparison.
  • Trying to please other people is largely a futile activity. Everyone will be mad at you sometime. Most of the people you deal with will dislike, disparage, belittle, or ignore what you say or do most of the time. Besides, you can never really know what others do want, so a good deal of whatever you do in that regard will go to waste. Be comforted. Those who love you will probably love you regardless, and they are the ones whose opinions are worth caring about. The rest aren't worth five minutes of thought between them.
  • Every winner is destined to be a loser in due course. It's great to be up on the winner's podium. Just don't imagine you can stay there for ever. Worst of all is being determined to do so, by any means available.
  • You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole. The best thing you can do is stay away from every one you encounter. Being an asshole is a contagious disease. The more time you spend around one, the more likely you are to catch it and become one too.
  • Everything takes twice as long as you plan for and produces results about half as good as you hoped. There's no reason to be downhearted about this. Just allow for it and move on.
  • People are oddly consistent. Liars usually tell lies. Cheaters cheat whenever it suits them. A person who confides in you has usually confided in several others first—but not got the response they wanted. A loyal friend will stay loyal under enormous amounts of thoughtless abuse.
  • However hard you try, you can't avoid being yourself. Who else could you be? You can act and pretend, but the person acting and pretending is still you. And if you won't accept yourself—and do the best you can with what you have—who then has any obligation to accept you?
  • When it comes to blatant lies, there are none more egregious than budget figures. Time spent agonizing over them is time wasted. Even if (miracle of miracles!) yours are honest and accurate, no one else will have been so foolish.
  • The loudest noise in the world is the sound of people whining. Don't add to it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bangalore Maps

Bangalore Central satellite map

Monday, March 19, 2007

40 Year Old Men Vs 4 Year old (little) women

Now as the days go by, I realize the not so little difference in Men & Women... What strikes me as unusal is the fact that both these are referred to as the same species. I think not, its just two species living together pretending to be one...

I mean look at it, we have distinct physical differences not to mention an altogether different evolution of the brain. Look I'm no scientist to dwell into the exact structure & firing of neurons but the intent and thinking are totally different. Men evolved as the hunter & the women as the nest maker which explains the 'subtle' differences between them.

Now getting to the main point - When I'm transferring my baby to a grown adult male, it looks short of a wrestling match because neither of us is sure how the transfer goes.... Now fast forward to a little women who are not more than four years old, who with surgical precision slide one hand under the baby's neck, the other under the baby's back and are ready to lift the baby. Perhaps the young ones mimic their mothers, but it certains leaves me stunned.....

Friday, March 16, 2007

Advice to Young Men from an Old Man


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Birthing Tips

After being blessed with a baby recently... I thought I share my experience for those who need it.

1) Pregnancy is an emotional roller coaster ride get used to it (umm there is such thing as post pregnancy depression too)

2) A very important tip - during the labor process deep breathing is very essential to overcome the unbearable pain. Deep breath in, and deep breath out... its not easy as this counters the instinct to hold one's breath while in pain.

3) Normal delivery is the best... some praise other means but from my (uh my wife's) experience, I would think normal is the best thing

4) Your baby is going to be the center of your world, get used to the idea.

5) Don't listen to people who predict the gender of the baby. Listen to your heart... you will know if its a son or daughter by the sixth month. Remember in certain places its illegal to acertain the gender of the baby.

6) "In India, advice is free. Everybody has their opinion on what is to be done during pregnancy" - my wife's doctor. Her advice (we ignored some of it that we thought was useless) was important (she thought) she was charging us for it after all ;)

7) It does help if your with your wife during the labor process. She will definitely thank you for it.
Its not easy, some preparation is required. Birthing videos do help, I definitely wanted to throw up after watching the video for few minutes. Steel yourself, nobody said pregnancy is easy.

8) Be prepared to go for long durations without sleep, once the labor starts (yeah the baby will keep you awake after that is over...)

9) A quick list of things that
a) your baby will need (do this before the baby is born)
clothes,diapers, nappy rash cream, nasal aspirant + saline drops, baby friendly soap (pears ?), nail clippers, warm clothing for baby, baby stores closest to your home, pillow, crib, pram, feeding bottle, pacifier, your medical history easily accessible, list of drugs that your allergic to, contact numbers of your doctor, arrangements for travel to the hospital in case of emergency - best routes, ambulance numbers,
mosquito net for the baby (no you cannot use coils and other mosquito repellents), baby talcum powder, subscribe to pregnancy/parenting newsletters etc

b) you will need -
rubber/plastic sheet for the bed, mother's horlicks, barley, good diet, a decent camera, cash/credit-card for the delivery, well-wishers, the URL where you will upload your baby pics,

10) Welcome to parent-hood :)
a) Makes you think about the part you just played in the circle of life...
b) Makes you wonder how you lived your life without the baby for so long...
c) Clears all doubts you had about your existence

11) The hospital may NOT provide food for the patient's attendant. food is not allowed inside either. Go figure ...

12) babies are (sometimes?) born with a slight touch of jaundice (its common?). Sunlight is very necessary for the baby esp. during the morning and evening times

13) Important - babies cry because -
a) They are hungry
b) They are hungry
c) Stomach pain (ask your doctor before hand what medication is suitable)
d) Uncomfortable (make sure they are in a comfortable position, ensure diaper does not need to be changed)
e) They are hungry

14) Every guest wants to pick up the baby, be firm. The less contact your baby has with the tons of germs from outside the healthier the baby is going to be.

15) Its also a good idea to pick up a gift for your wife, that you can give her post-delivery.

16) Post pregnancy does not mean all medications are allowed. Talk to your doctor before taking any medicine.

17) No amount of planning can mitigate risk outside your circle of influence. Stay calm, think clearly & proceed accordingly. Remember sometimes a timely decision makes all the difference.

18) Your baby will sleep about 20-22 hours during the intial months, this is perfectly normal.

19) The babies are not very foccussed for the initial period, don't worry about it.

20) Talk to your baby, they find your voice very reassuring. After all they would be used to hearing your voice for the entire nine months (yeah yeah nothing scientific... its just my belief) :)

I've attempted to cram about 10 months of experience into twenty points, I would like to know if you found these pointers useful. Suggestions are welcome !

Disclaimer : This is not intended to be a replacement for medical care during pregnancy or substitute for other necessites. This is just a guide that aims at making you better equipped to handle the new member of your household. Use your common sense, if in doubt it will make sense to consult a qualified personnel.